Welcome to the 2009 Webcomic List Awards, or Twickles as some people have chosen to call them.
We have nine categories in the 2009 awards: Best Black and White Art, Best Colour Art, Best Non-traditional Art, Best Gag-a-day comic, Best New Comic, Best Longform comic, Best Character, Best Writing and of course Best Comic.
Following some discussion on The Webcomic List forum we started working on these awards in late July of last year. It’s taken us a while and we’ve had problems along the way, but we’re done now and this year’s awards have been a learning experience, so next year’s will be even better.
Nominees were open to anyone involved in comics, from writers to artists to site staff and even in one case someone who runs a comic store. They’re all involved in comics in some way so they all get a say and we had a pretty good turn out this year.
So, why don’t you have a good read of the awards ceremony, but first I’d like to thank our illustrators, judges and organising committee for all the work they’ve put in and to thank all the people who nominated comics. Thank you for making our first year a success.
Wendy Wood
(Committee Head)
The Webcomic List is owned and operated by Ash Young. The Webcomic List Awards site is designed and maintained by Jessica Ottowell who also did the nomination form for this year.
Footers were created by J. G. Fisher of, Nismorack of and myself.
Again thanks to all of the judges, committee members and illustrators for all their hard work.